Operations Overview: A New Year Brings New Beginnings
A New Year Brings New Beginningsby Lisa Miller, Executive DirectorFor those of you who follow us on Facebook or read our quarterly newsletters, you know that First Choice experienced a number of incredible changes in 2015. One of which was a required facelift to our building, and it looks fantastic! We have a new roof as well as new siding, a few new windows and three new awnings, not to mention several new light fixtures and a sign that works! In addition, we anticipate these updates will not only be aesthetically pleasing, but will help lower utilities cost in this year.We are also blessed to begin 2016 with a fully functional ultrasound program lead by our dedicated Medical Director, Dr. Jeff Ulrich, supervised by our Nurse Manager Joellen Holzer, RN, our Assistant Nurse Manager Jen Brand, RN, and our very talented sonographer, Rick Morris, RDMS. Since its inception we have completed 47 ultrasounds and the results have be spectacular! At present, all but one of the abortion vulnerable women who received a sonogram choose life for their unborn baby!Additionally, the New Year brings with it a new Chairman of the Board, Todd Lail. Todd is an Electrical Engi
neer and has a Master’s Degree in Organizational Behavior with an Organization Development specialty from Benedictine University. He has lived in Muncie since August of 2013 and works at Progress Rail, where he manages a software quality group.Todd attends Westminster Presbyterian Church and is inhis second year as a member of the board of directors for First Choice. Todd and his wife Magy have two children, Megan and Sami. When asked why he was interested in the First Choice ministry, Todd responded with, “I have a passion for the work that we do at First Choice and believe God’s Word commands us to do exactly what First Choice is doing, caring for those who are in need.”Another new team member for 2016 is our Sexual Risk Avoidance (SRA) Director (formerly abstinence) Shary
ll Martin. Sharyllbegan her tenure with First Choice in early 2015 as an Abstinence Instructor teaching the curriculum in our public school systems. She began her new role on January 4, 2016 and is already making great strides with the program. Sharyll has lived in Muncie for 36 years and has worked in family and children’s ministry for over 33 years. She is very passionate about the abstinence program and will be a valuable asset to the ministry.