Giving Thanks, Sharing Hope: Double Your Impact This Holiday Season

During this holiday season we want to give thanks to God for almost 40 years of ministry! Last year, we faced a challenging financial period. However, our team remained focused and committed to turning things around. Our recovery wouldn't have been possible without the dedication of giving hearts like yours! Also, our team of volunteers, Board members and staff, who have worked tirelessly to help us navigate this past year. Together, we've turned a challenging situation into a success! We are so grateful for our volunteers, prayer partners and donors! Your generosity enables us to meet the needs of our clients and connect with those who are facing the challenges of an unplanned pregnancy. Together, with the hope that the Lord gives us, we are working toward a brighter future for our community; where every individual is respected and every child is wanted, cared for and nurtured. 

First Choice strives to offer hope and compassion each week in Delaware and Madison County. Earlier this year, a woman came uncertain and pregnant, but even after an ultrasound she ultimately made the choice to abort her baby. When she called the clinic a couple of weeks ago we were surprised; she was again pregnant. She regretted her abortion decision, but her life circumstances were even more complicated now. Abortion was still on the table. She came in for an ultrasound 2 weeks later, and she had invited a friend along. As she saw the heartbeat flutter she was tearful. The client finished up some paperwork with our sonographer, and after coming out of the exam room she ran to her friend for a hug. She turned around and thanked our staff for being here, helping her, and supporting her through this whole ordeal. She plans to carry and parent this baby as she builds a support system around her. God is moving and it's awesome that we get to be a small part of it all! Because of YOU, these stories are reality at First Choice!

James* and Susie*, an atheist/agnostic couple has come to First Choice for over two years now. In those two years, they always declined prayer and spiritual conversations. They shared on their first visit they had experienced a lot of church/family hurt. They are always joyful, respectful, and raising their little boy with such love. Recently they shared interest to talk about spiritual things with their ParentCare advocate.  James* said he would like to be sure of what he believes or doesn’t believe. He wants to spend a little more time each week in discussion and maybe take one of our Bible Study lessons each month. These are relationships that are built because of YOU! 

While preserving the sanctity of human life and saving the unborn is a crucial part of why First Choice for Women exists, our mission doesn’t stop there.  Sharing the grace and truth of Jesus Christ, promoting healthy relationships in the classroom, and serving those who are suffering and in need throughout our community is equally important.  

As we strive to save and change lives in our community, we need your help. We need volunteers as we begin to extend our hours of operation, including Mondays beginning January 6. We need resources to expand and maintain our material assistance services. We need funding to provide cribs, diapers and operational support. We need the partnership of people like you to extend the reach of this ministry. We ask that during this blessed season, as you remember the many blessings in your life, would you consider celebrating those blessings by generously and sacrificially giving a year-end donation to First Choice for Women….please help us and give the gift of hope to our community!

We’re excited to share an incredible opportunity with you! A generous team of donors have pledged to match every dollar you give—up to $10,000—by December 31st. That means your donation will have double the impact in helping us. But time is running out—this matching opportunity ends soon! Please make your gift on or before December 31st to take full advantage of this incredible opportunity. Together, we can make a lasting difference! Click here to make your impact today!

Thank you for supporting this ministry. We truly appreciate your faithfulness and ask for your continued prayers for our clients, volunteers, staff and Board of Directors.

With gratitude, 

Kailee McKnight

Executive Director


New 2025 Hours to Better Serve You


Holiday Schedule Announcement